Complete the text with the where necessary. 2 Last summer the Petrovs went to visit their friends Mitchells in Oxford. They British Isles by plane. The plane arrived at the airport in went to London Mitchells met them and took to and Oxford by car. Petrovs British Museum and visited Tower of London. They went on a boat trip along Thames. They visited Scotland and Orkney Petrovs were happy to have such an interesting and exciting journey. Islands. 3 Answer the questions. 1) What is the name of the main street in the place where you live? 2) What countries have you been to? 3) What museums have you been to? 4) What rivers do you know in your region? 5) What cities or towns are near the place where you live?

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Ответ дал: sumplex1010
1. Orkney Petrovs
2. British
3. Petrovs British Museum
4. Thames
5. London, Scotland
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