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Ответ дал: 777mikrokosmos


This is the story of three mysterious documents and a box of buried treasure. The treasure, worth $64 million in today's money, belonged to an American man called Thomas Beale. He got it by risking his life on a dangerous adventure in New Mexico and he buried it somewhere near the snowy mountains of Virginia. He then wrote three messages in secret code to describe the exact location. Later, Beale became friends with a man called Robert Morriss. He believed that Morriss was a reliable person so he left the three messages with him when he had to go away in 1822. He never returned. Morriss could not solve the secret messages and, years later, gave them to a friend. The friend used an important national document (the Declaration of Independence) to solve one of the messages, but the other two remain a mystery to this day. Some historians are very suspicious of the whole story. They think people are fools to waste their time hunting for treasure that might not exist. But thousands of code-breakers and treasure-hunters are still hoping that they can find the treasure.


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