Please help me Please

1. Sam didn't call me last night and didn't tell me about the event.
I wish ...
2. I'm really lazy even though I have plenty of time for my hobbies.
I wish ...
3. called last night and told me. He starts doing something noisy in his flat every day from 5 p.m.
I wish ...
4. My brother always tries to make me wash the dishes.
I wish ...
5. My daughter is studying abroad. She is coming home next year only.
da year only.
I wish ...
6. Mathew didn't stop his mother from buying that useless device. It was a waste of money.
I wish ...
7. It's beautiful here. It's a ply hayou can't see this beauty together with me.
I wish ...
8. Silvia didn't see our concert last week. She regrets about it.
Silvia wishes ...
9. Raymond is always late for all our business meetings. He is so irresponsible.
I wish ...
10. Our guests didn't see our message about the time change of our meeting.
Our guests wish ...
11. Stephen is too hardworking. He never has time for his friends.
Stephen wishes ...
12. You enjoy breaking all our local rules. It's offensive.
I wish ...
13. My friend Gregory is a lawyer. He could help me with that problem.
I wish ...
14. All the passengers want to get home faster. Everyone wants to return to their familics.
All the passengers wish ...
15. The law forbids us to stay in this country any longer.
We wish ...
16. Lola forgot to water the plants and they died.
Lola wishes ...
17. Their dog is barking all day long. It's driving all of us crazy.
We all wish ...
18. I need this guitar to play music of a higher quality.
I wish ...
19. Our balcony needs repairing, but we don't have money to do it.
We wish ...
20. The mass media doesn't give any proven information.
Everybody wishes ...​


Ответ дал: 777mikrokosmos


1. I wish Sam had called me last night and told me about the event.

2. I wish I had more motivation to pursue my hobbies even though I have plenty of time.

3. I wish my neighbor had called me last night and informed me about the noise he makes every day from 5 p.m.

4. I wish my brother wouldn't always try to make me wash the dishes.

5. I wish my daughter could come home sooner than next year.

6. I wish Mathew had stopped his mother from buying that useless device to avoid wasting money.

7. I wish you could see this beauty here with me.

8. Silvia wishes she had seen our concert last week and didn't regret missing it.

9. I wish Raymond could be more punctual and responsible for our business meetings.

10. Our guests wish they had seen our message about the time change of our meeting.

11. Stephen wishes he had more time for his friends and wasn't too hardworking.

12. I wish you wouldn't enjoy breaking all our local rules as it's offensive.

13. I wish my friend Gregory could help me with that problem as he is a lawyer.

14. All the passengers wish they could get home faster and be reunited with their families.

15. We wish we could stay longer in this country, but the law forbids us.

16. Lola wishes she had watered the plants and they hadn't died.

17. We all wish their dog wouldn't bark all day long and drive us crazy.

18. I wish I had this guitar to play music of a higher quality.

19. We wish we had enough money to repair our balcony.

20. Everybody wishes the mass media would provide proven information.


(почему так мало баллов? задание-то не легкое.)

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