J ] If I had €1 million, it would be easy to find three good ways to use the money. It would be a great way to help people who deserve it. First of all, I would donate half of the money to the children's hospital in my town. They're raising money to build bedrooms for visiting families. They could probably start building immediately if I gave them half a million euros. Secondly, I would make a donation to my local primary school to buy sports equipment. As I see it, more sport at school would mean healthier children. Furthermore, the teachers would find it far easier to teach sports and PE if they had new equipment. Finally, I would buy a new bike for my brother. He borrows mine all the time, even though he's got one, because mine is better. If he had a new bike, he wouldn't do that! So to sum up, I would use the money to make life better for the families of children in hospital, to improve facilities at my school and to buy a gift for my brother. 3 Answer the questions about the essay. 1 How many paragraphs are there? 2 In which paragraph does the writer mention all three ways of spending the money? 3 In which paragraph does the writer explain who would get half the money, and why? 4 In which two paragraphs does the writer explain who would get the rest of the money, and why? 5 In which paragraph does the writer paraphrase the main point of the essay?​


Ответ дал: joline16
1). There are three paragraphs in the essay.
2). The writer mentions all three ways of spending the money in the third paragraph.
3). The writer explains who would get half the money, and why, in the first paragraph.
4). The writer explains who would get the rest of the money, and why, in the second paragraph.
5). The writer paraphrases the main point of the essay in the final sentence of the third paragraph: "So to sum up, I would use the money to make life better for the families of children in hospital, to improve facilities at my school and to buy a gift for my brother."
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