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Розкрити дужки, використовуючи Past Perfect

1. When I (arrive) at the cinema the film (start)
2. She (live) in China before she (go) to Thailand 3. After they (eat) the shellfish, they (begin) to feel sick
4. Julie (not/arrive) after I (leave)
5. The garden (be) dead because it (be) dry all summer.
6. He (meet) her somewhere before
7. We (be) late for the plane because we (forget) our passports
8. She (tell) me she (study) a lot before the exam.
9. By that time Charles (arrive) at the office the boss (leave) for the meeting
10. When she (go) to bed, she (remember) that she (not/switch) off the light.​


Ответ дал: blisenko56


When I had arrived at the cinema, the film had already started.

She had lived in China before she went to Thailand.

After they had eaten the shellfish, they began to feel sick.

Julie had not arrived after I left.

The garden had been dead because it had been dry all summer.

He had met her somewhere before.

We were late for the plane because we had forgotten our passports.

She told me she had studied a lot before the exam.

By the time Charles had arrived at the office, the boss had already left for the meeting.

When she went to bed, she remembered that she had not switched off the light.


Ответ дал: jeihob280


1. When I arrived at the cinema the film had started.

2. She had lived in China before she went to Thailand.

3. After they had eaten the shellfish, they began to feel sick.

4. Julie didn't arrive after I had left.

5. The garden was dead because it had been dry all summer.

6. He had met her somewhere before

7. We were late for the plane because we had forgotten our passports

8. She told me she gad studied a lot before the exam.

9. By the time Charles arrived at the office, the boss had left for the meeting.

10. When she was going to bed, she remembered that she hadn't switched off the light.

Past Perfect используем для того, чтобы описать действие перед другим действием в прошлом ;)

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