Writing. Task 2. Writing Write an essay on the theme "About my neighbourhood" The following questions will help you to organise your writing: What do you like about your neighbourhood? Why? What are the popular places in your neighbourhood? What is the difference between a town and a city? What is the difference between rural and urban? Give examp Do people like to live in rural or urban areas these days? Wh​


Ответ дал: mackevicurij20


My neighbourhood is a place that I hold dear to my heart. It is a suburban area with a mix of residential and commercial properties. What I like most about my neighbourhood is the sense of community that exists here. Everyone knows each other, and it feels like one big family. The people are friendly, and there is always someone willing to lend a helping hand.

One of the popular places in my neighbourhood is the local park. It is a great place to relax and unwind after a long day. The park has a playground for children, walking trails, and picnic areas. Another popular spot is the community centre, which offers various activities and programs for people of all ages.

The difference between a town and a city is the population size. A town is typically smaller than a city, with a population of fewer than 10,000 people. A city, on the other hand, has a larger population of over 100,000 people. The difference between rural and urban areas is their location and population density. Rural areas are typically located outside of cities and have a low population density. Urban areas are located in cities and have a high population density.

These days, people prefer to live in urban areas because of the availability of jobs, better infrastructure, and access to amenities such as shopping centres, hospitals, and schools. However, some people still prefer to live in rural areas because of the peace and quiet, lower cost of living, and closer connection to nature.

In conclusion, my neighbourhood is a wonderful place to live. It has a strong sense of community, plenty of amenities, and a peaceful atmosphere. Whether you prefer to live in a town or city or rural or urban area, it is important to find a place that makes you happy and fulfilled.

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