Put the adjectives in brackets in the comparative/superlative form.
1 Daniel is (slim) than Rob.
2 Mary’s house isn’t as (big) mine.
3 Jack lives in one of (expensive) neighbourhoods in London.
4 Tricia found asking for directions (easy) than using a map.
5 Bob is (tall) person I know.
6 Poppy is (good) at baking than Georgina.
7 The theatre is much (old) than the aquarium.
8 The skyscraper is as (high) a mountain!
9 Carly has (long) hair than all the other girls in the class.
10 It would actually be( fast) to walk to the bank than to take the car.


Ответ дал: randallfuk

1 Daniel is slimmer than Rob.

2 Mary's house isn't as big as mine.

3 Jack lives in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in London.

4 Tricia found asking for directions easier than using a map.

5 Bob is the tallest person I know.

6 Poppy is better at baking than Georgina.

7 The theatre is much older than the aquarium.

8 The skyscraper is as high as a mountain!

9 Carly has the longest hair than all the other girls in the class.

10 It would actually be faster to walk to the bank than to take the car.

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