Open the brackets with will, going to, Present Simple, Past Simple or Present Continuous.

1. What are your plans for tomorrow? — I ______________ (not know), maybe I ______________ (go) to the cinema.
2. We ______________ (go) to a restaurant yesterday. The food ______________ (be) excellent!
3. I’m sorry, I can’t see you now because I ______________ (have) a very important working meeting in 20 minutes and I ______________ (be) late!
4. Oh, look at the clouds! It ______________ (rain). The wind ______________ (blow) hard. You’d better stay home.
5. The train ______________ (leave) at 15:20. We have 20 minutes left. ______________ (you/phone) for a taxi now?


Ответ дал: bekaualihan


1) I don’t know

2) I will go

3) we went

4) was

5) I’m having

6) I am

7) It is going to rain.

8) The wind is blowing

9) the train will leave

10) Are you phoning


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