4 ACTIVATE Find information about child labour laws in your country. Answer the questions.. 1 How old to you have to be before you can get a job? 2 What types of jobs are children and teenagers allowed to do? What types of jobs are they not allowed to do? 3 How many hours per day or per week can a teenager work? 4 What is the number of breaks a teenage worker must have? How long do they have to be? 5 What other rights do young workers have in your country?​


Ответ дал: dilnazmashaeva2011


1. 16 years old

2. fast food worker, barista, lifeguard...

3. 3 hrs per day/18 hrs per week

4. one 30 minute break

5. good rights pretty free

polinakhodochiok: правильно?
aminaermukhambet: можно
mahmudovhan09: ....
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