Task 2. Choose the correct verb in these exchanges. 1. I can't go to the disco tonight. I'm afraid. I .... Get up early tomorrow. a) Mustn't c) will b)'ve got to ar shoes in the gym. 2. You... wear a) Don'i b) haven'i goi io c) musin'i 3. ...... go through that door. It says “No entry” a) Don't mustn't to b) not c) you 4. It was a lovely party. We .... Write and thank them. a) Got to b) do c) must 5. You're driving at 120 kph. You really ..... drive so fast. a) Don't b) didn't c) mustn't​


Ответ дал: bekaualihan


1. I will

2. You don’t

3.You mustn’t to

4. We Got to

5. Mustn’t


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