Correct mistakes in these sentences. 1. He was among the few who want to continue working on the project. 2. It is an accepted custom for a man to open the door when he accompanied a woman. 3. She closed the door and harries away to class. 4. We receive several applications a day and with them had been copies of transcripts and degrees. 5. Mr. Davis tried to finish his research, but he found only part of the information that he needs. 6. Between one thing and another, Charles does not finish typing his paper last night. 7. In 1990, according to statistics from the Bureau of Census, the population of the US is 250,000,000. 8. We do not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday. 9. Mary does not finish her homework in time to go with us to the football game yesterday afternoon. 10. Although there are only two hundred foreign students studying at State University in 1970, there are more than five hundred now. 11. We thought he is planning to go on vacation after the first of the month. 12. Nancy said that she went to the supermarket before coming home​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA
  1. He was among the few who wanted to continue working on the project.
  2. It is an accepted custom for a man to open the door when he accompanies a woman.
  3. She closed the door and hurried away to class.
  4. We receive several applications a day, and with them, there have been copies of transcripts and degrees.
  5. Mr. Davis tried to finish his research, but he found only part of the information that he needed.
  6. Between one thing and another, Charles did not finish typing his paper last night.
  7. In 1990, according to statistics from the Bureau of Census, the population of the US was 250,000,000.
  8. We did not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday.
  9. Mary did not finish her homework in time to go with us to the football game yesterday afternoon.
  10. Although there were only two hundred foreign students studying at State University in 1970, there are more than five hundred now.
  11. We thought he was planning to go on vacation after the first of the month.
  12. Nancy said that she had gone to the supermarket before coming home.
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