Complete the gaps with ø (no article), a/an or the.
They say that ø girls care more about clothes than ___ boys but I think shopping for clothes is ___ most boring thing in 4world. Today I’m wearing ____ old pair of jeans and 6cotton top. ____ jeans were ____ present and ____ friend gave me ____ top because it was too small for her. My best friend is from ____ Italy. He loves ____ clothes and he’d like to be ____ fashion designer in ____ Future.



Ответ дал: ZeIenuk


They say that girls care more about clothes than boys but I think shopping for clothes is the most boring thing in the world. Today I'm wearing an old pair of jeans and a cotton top. The jeans were a present and a friend gave me the top because it was too small for her. My best friend is from Italy. He loves clothes and he'd like to be a fashion designer in the future.


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