1 Read the Complete Emma's emall phrases in the box. 3 can 6 can't don't have to TALENT SHW To: Lauren From: Emma Date: 2 May have to x3 AGE: 4 c GROUPS: possible but only up to five people PRICE TO ENTER: £10 per person Just fill in the form on our website! Pay by 31 July. I've got some information about the talent show. You 1 We 2 want to enter, we 4 we 5 Basly Earward be 14 or over to enter. enter as a group, but the group have more than five people in it. If we pay £10 each, and fill in a form on the website. We pay yet; we can wait until the end of July. What do you think? Shall we do it? a f​


Ответ дал: nastamyhajlyk


1 can

2 don't have to

3 have to

4 can't

5 don't have to


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