ostions Non-defining relative clauses 3 ★ Complete the non-defining relative clauses with who, which, where or whose. Then put the punctuation in the correct place. My cousin who Newcastle is a famous singer. 1 Jack comes from lives next door to me has broken his arm. arrived 2 My new laptop. yesterday was very expensive. 3 That French village. always go on holiday is very nice. 4 Anna brother is in my drama club won the prize yesterday. is standing we 5 Mr Stanley over there is our Chemistry teacher. she bought from 6 Her coat that new shop was very expensive. dad is a film 7 My friend star invited me to her birthday party. 8 The old museum we saw intri the big Picasso painting has just bought some more pictures. 4 Complete the sentences with​


Ответ дал: vladikastas1p8tq75


1. Jack, who lives next door to me, has broken his arm.

2. My new laptop, which arrived yesterday, was very expensive.

3. That French village, where we always go on holiday, is very nice.

4. Anna, whose brother is in my drama club, won the prize yesterday.

5. Mr. Stanley, who is standing over there, is our Chemistry teacher.

6. Her coat, which she bought from that new shop, was very expensive.

7. My friend's whose dad is a film star, invited me to her birthday party.

8. The old museum where we saw the big Picasso painting has just bought some more pictures.

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