My family's house gives me a feeling of comfort, peace, and joy. First of all, our house is really comfortable with all modern conveniences. In the house, there are three big bedrooms, a cozy living room, a little dining room, a nice kitchen, a study full of books, a hall, and a bathroom with a toilet. In our house, we have a lot of devices, for example, a computer, a TV, a CD player, a washing machine, a modern microwave, and an oven. Second, the peace that our house provides is important for me. Our house is situated in the suburbs not far from the city. Being outside the city, we are far from the traffic noise. It's peaceful during the day, especially at night. Third, living in this house gives me great joy. I feel happy being in our fabulous garden surrounding our house. It's full of fruit trees, bushes, and flowers, which makes me feel close to nature. Also, there are several beds of vegetables, including potatoes, onions, and beetroots. Eating our own food, grown in our garden, gives us great pleasure. In short, I love living in our house due to comfort, peace, and joy. Помогите выписать глаголы​


Ответ дал: biasw


gives, is, have, situated, being, provides, feel, surrounding, makes, eating, grown, love

dilajymermekova: Спасибо большое от души
Ответ дал: marinasyzranceva00

gives, is, have, situated, being, provides, feel, surrounding, makes, eating, grown, love.

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