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Ответ дал: jigerafan


1. Can I use your camera, please?

2. You should clean your room.

3. You mustn't enter this room.

4. He can run fast.

5. You can't go to the party.

6. You should see a doctor.

7. I need to talk to Betty as soon as I finish this.

8. You can stay at your friend's house tonight.

9. He has to work on Saturdays.

10. Antony doesn't have to wear a suit at work.

11. You shouldn't eat too many sweets.

12. He might work late today.

13. You don't have to invite her, but you can if you want to.

14. You shouldn't go out without your scarf and gloves.

15. He could play the guitar at the age of 10.

16. You mustn't take photographs in the museum.

17. It might rain later.

18. Can I go to the cinema tonight?

zincenkomaksim580: што ета
jigerafan: ой сорри не тому ответил
zincenkomaksim580: памагі мне пжпжпж
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