Chicken, courgettes, and ham.
cooks in an / - / the oven
while you fry the ham and the courgettes in a pan.
Easy bruschetta recipe.
Just mix some / any / a ingredients together to make
the perfect salad to your taste.
Toast the baguette slices, rub them with garlic, and top
them with much / any/ the salad dressed in a balsamic
vinaigrette. And 'the /a/ -almonds are good for your health.
In the /a/ - Tahiti people speak a/-/ the French.
The /A/ - President of the United States lives in a / the / -
White House.


Ответ дал: sport2804015


The chicken cooks in the oven while you fry the ham and the courgettes in a pan.

Just mix some ingredients together to make the perfect salad to your taste. Toast the baguette slices, rub them with garlic, and top them with the salad dressed in a balsamic vinaigrette. And almonds are good for your health.

In Tahiti, people speak French.

The President of the United States lives in the White House.

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