помогите, знайди помилку і напиши правильно;
Are you believing me? __________________________
She is always having lunch at school. __________________________
I not coming right now. __________________________
Why do you phone him now? It’s late. __________________________
Look! That taxi over there stops. __________________________
I write an email at the moment. ________________
Are you believing me? __________________________
She is always having lunch at school. __________________________
I not coming right now. __________________________
Why do you phone him now? It’s late. __________________________
Look! That taxi over there stops. __________________________
I write an email at the moment. _________________


Ответ дал: squidlux

Відповідь: Do you believe me?

She always has lunch at school.

I am not coming right now.

Why are you phoning him now? It's late.

Look! That taxi over there is stopping.

I am writing an email at the moment.


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