Complete the email with the correct present simple or present continuous form of the verbs below.(допиши лист, використовуй простий теперішній час або теперішній тривалий час;)

do know make play rain try visit

Hi Tony

What 1_______________________ at the moment? I 2_______________________ to finish

my science project, but it’s difficult. My young cousins 3_______________________ us today

and they 4_______________________ a lot of noise. They 5_______________________ that

I have to hand in my project tomorrow. They usually 6_______________________ outside,

but it 7_______________________ at the moment. Help! Can I come to your house to work?



Ответ дал: mariiababkinaa
Hi Tony,

What are you doing at the moment? I am trying to finish my science project, but it’s difficult. My young cousins are visiting us today and they are making a lot of noise. They don't know that I have to hand in my project tomorrow. They usually play outside, but it is raining at the moment. Help! Can I come to your house to work?

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