The Northern Bank Robbery, Belfast, 2004

Just before Christmas, a gang of robbers, dressed 1 as bank clerks, got 2_________ the private houses of a few managers from the Northern Bank in Belfast. The criminals threatened to kill the families 3 the managers gave them the money from their bank. The next day, 4 the managers were on their way to work, their families were forced to stay with the robbers. The managers told the staff to let 5 a group of special officials at the end of that day. The staff did everything the managers had told them to so as not to be fired. 6 the criminals entered the bank, they took the money and freed the managers' families later on. Unfortunately, none of the robbers were caught.

1 A up

B on

2 A on

B in

3 A before

B when

D in

C into

D out

C unless

D while

4 A as


C before

D after

5 A before

B in

C out

D down

6 A Unless

B Whenever


C By the time

D As soon as​


Ответ дал: Аноним


Just before Christmas, a gang of robbers, dressed 1 as bank clerks, got 2 into the private houses of a few managers from the Northern Bank in Belfast. The criminals threatened to kill the families 3 unless the managers gave them the money from their bank. The next day, 4 as the managers were on their way to work, their families were forced to stay with the robbers. The managers told the staff to let 5 in a group of special officials at the end of that day. The staff did everything the managers had told them to so as not to be fired. 6 As soon as the criminals entered the bank, they took the money and freed the managers' families later on. Unfortunately, none of the robbers were caught.


Ответ дал: bibinuruwu
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