3.) Find the mistakes in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.

1.Which is more far from your country, Poland or Australia? __________________________
2.Who is the more polite student in your class? __________________________
3.The supermarket is busyer than the small shop. __________________________
4.My smartphone is expensiver than my laptop. __________________________
5.The chef only uses the most freshest food. __________________________
6.What’s the better website to use for our homework? __________________________
7.My bedroom is biger than my brother’s room. __________________________


Ответ дал: iameroi
  1. Which is farther from your country, Poland or Australia?
  2. Who is the most polite student in your class?
  3. The supermarket is busier than the small shop.
  4. My smartphone is more expensive than my laptop.
  5. The chef only uses the freshest food.
  6. What's the best website to use for our homework?
  7. My bedroom is bigger than my brother’s room.
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