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Напишите небольшой рассказ в международный школьный журнал о вашем любимом занятии. Напишите: *название *снаряжение *правила /техника *почемувам это нравится
(только не про волейбол и футбол они есть в других сайтах)​​


Ответ дал: mamed86
My favorite leisure time activity is drawing . It is one of the popular hobbies today and is one of the most enjoyable activities. I draw at home for fun and for that I have a huge box of different brushes and paints . I try to learn on my own and watch drawing lessons from the internet to save time and money . Drawing is really relaxing. When I draw , I always try new techniques and every time my pictures get better with practice. The thing I like about drawing pictures is that my mind calms , my ideas widen and at the end my hobby bring me a lot of joy .
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