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Change the following into reported speech.

1 Anne said to me, 'I'm having a party on Saturday.' ...Anne told me (that) she was having a party on Saturday....

2 'I'll speak to you later,' she said to me. 3 'Where have you been?' he asked her. 4 They said to us, 'Don't go near the water.' 5 'Don't be late,' the man said to them. 6 'Are you feeling better?' he asked me. 7 'Let's go out,' she said. 8 He said to me, 'You should go to bed early.' 9 The boss asked Mary, 'Can you type?' 10 'I might go to Spain next year,' he said to Bill. 11 'Do you need any help?' he asked her. 12 Mother said to me, 'Go to bed.' ..........​


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. Anne told me (that) she was having a party on Saturday.
2. She said (that) she would speak to me later.
3. He asked her where she had been.
4. They told us not to go near the water.
5. The man told them not to be late.
6. He asked me if I was feeling better.
7. She suggested going out.
8. He advised me to go to bed early.
9. The boss inquired if Mary could type.
10. He told Bill that he might go to Spain the next year.
11. He asked her if she needed any help.
12. Mother told me to go to bed.
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