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Paraphrase the following sentences using Nominative Absolute Construction introduced by «with» Model: When the whole family were at home, the father decided to break the news. With the whole family(being) at home the father decided to break the news.
1. The weather forecast promises a good deal of sunny dry weather, in the North the weather will be hottest.
2. I lay with closed eyes, trying to recapture lost images of my life.
3. While two of the other stewardesses were demonstrating she accomplished the announcements about emergency exit.
4. Peter was in Paris and his daughter was travelling, so the house seemed empty.
5. Gabriel finished. and huge pudding was transported to the table.​


Ответ дал: sport2804015


1. With the weather forecast promising a good deal of sunny dry weather, the weather in the North will be the hottest.

2. With closed eyes, I lay trying to recapture lost images of my life.

3. With two of the other stewardesses demonstrating, she accomplished the announcements about emergency exit.

4. With Peter in Paris and his daughter travelling, the house seemed empty.

5. With Gabriel finished, a huge pudding was transported to the table.

Ответ дал: Аноним
1. With the weather forecast promising a good deal of sunny dry weather, and the weather in the North being the hottest.
2. With closed eyes, I lay trying to recapture lost images of my life.
3. With two of the other stewardesses demonstrating, she accomplished the announcements about emergency exit.
4. With Peter in Paris and his daughter travelling, the house seemed empty.
5. With Gabriel finished, a huge pudding was transported to the table.

1. З прогнозом погоди, що обіцяє багато сонячної сухої погоди, і в північних районах буде найспекотніше.
2. Лежачи з закритими очима, я намагався згадати втрачені зображення свого життя.
3. Під час того, як дві інші стюардеси демонстрували, вона здійснила оголошення про аварійний вихід.
4. Оскільки Петро був у Парижі, а його дочка подорожувала, будинок здавався порожнім.
5. Завершивши Габрієль, великий пудинг був транспортований на стіл.
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