Rewrite the text in the passive.

Everyone knows the Nobel Prize as one of the most famous awards in the world. People named the prize after Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite. Ragnar Sohlman founded the Nobel Foundation in 1900, and it first awarded Nobel Prizes in 1901. The Foundation holds the ceremony every year. Except for the Peace Prize, the organisers present the Nobel Prizes in Stockholm on 10 December. After the award ceremony the Foundation holds a banquet which the Swedish Royal Family and around 1,300 guests attend. The Nobel Foundation gives the laureats a diploma, a gold medal, and a sum of money.


Ответ дал: alinazinoveva1211


The Nobel Prize is known by everyone as one of the most famous awards in the world. The prize was named after Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite. The Nobel Foundation was founded by Ragnar Sohlman in 1900, and Nobel Prizes were first awarded by the foundation in 1901. The ceremony is held every year by the Foundation. Except for the Peace Prize, the Nobel Prizes are presented in Stockholm on 10 December by the organizers. After the award ceremony, a banquet is held by the Foundation which is attended by the Swedish Royal Family and around 1,300 guests. A diploma, a gold medal, and a sum of money are given to the laureates by the Nobel Foundation.

Ответ дал: Аноним
The Nobel Prize is known as one of the most famous awards in the world. The prize was named after Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite. The Nobel Foundation was founded by Ragnar Sohlman in 1900, and Nobel Prizes were first awarded by it in 1901. The ceremony is held every year by the Foundation. Except for the Peace Prize, the Nobel Prizes are presented in Stockholm on 10 December by the organizers. After the award ceremony, a banquet is held by the Foundation, which is attended by the Swedish Royal Family and around 1,300 guests. The laureates are given a diploma, a gold medal, and a sum of money by the Nobel Foundation.
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