3 Look at the information about what Hazel did yesterday and complete the sentences with the Past Simple. You need to add extra words in questions 5–8.

What did Hazel do yesterday?
0 get up early
1 phone her mum X
2 go shopping 
3 have lunch in a restaurant X
4 finish her homework 
5 eat dinner with her family X
6 watch a film on TV 
7 check her Facebook page X
8 sleep very well 
0 Hazel got up early yesterday.
1 Hazel _______________ her mum.
2 Hazel _______________ shopping.
3 Hazel _______________ lunch in a restaurant.
4 Hazel _______________ her homework.
5 Hazel ________________________ her family.
6 Hazel ________________________ on TV.
7 Hazel _________________________________.
8 ______________________________________. Там где квадратики там галочка ПЖ ПОМОГИТЕ ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО

lubovabdualieva: Я правильно поняла, где крестики надо отрицательные предложения составить


Ответ дал: lubovabdualieva


1-did not phone, 2-went, 3-did not have, 4- finished, 5- did not eat with, 6-watched a film, 7- did not check her Facebook page, 8- Hazel slept very well.


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