1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are four extra words.

complained / upgrade / introduced / backup / ran into / headset / confessed sync / access / suggested / stream /zip / go through /turned out

1 I asked him four times to give me my watch back, and then he ___________that he'd lost it.

2 I'm so happy that I passed my driving test. I wouldn't want to_________ that again!

3 My file was so big that I had to it to________ send it by email.

4 My computer runs my new graphics very slowly. I need to ___________ it.

5 I know who Paul is, but I've never been __________to him.

6 I lost almost everything when my new computer crashed, but luckily I had a________ of most of it.

7 I can see you but I can't hear you because my________ is broken.

8 The neighbours ________about the noise at our party.

9 I need that cable to my MP3 player with my laptop.

10 Thadn't seen Marie for ages, but yesterday l __________her at the cinema. ​​


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA
  1. confessed
  2. go through
  3. zip
  4. upgrade
  5. introduced
  6. backup
  7. headset
  8. complained
  9. sync
  10. ran into
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