1)Read the article about a dinosaur called Jobaria.
Choose the best word (A,B or C) for each space.

Jobaria- a plant-eating dinosaur

Jobaria ….. a very big dinosaur that lived over 135 000 000 years 2. ….. . This dinosaur was found 3. ….. 1997. Doctor Sereno, from the University of Chicago and his team were 4. ….. ones who found the Jobaria.

They ….. to Niger, in Africa, to look for dinosaurs. 6. ….. the help of the people who lived in the area, they found 95% of an adult dinosaur. When they looked at it carefully they learned 7. ….. this was a new kind of a dinosaur. They called it Jobaria.

Doctor Sereno knows his dinosaur ate plants 8. ….. its teeth were not made for cutting meat. He also believes that Jobaria 9. ….. stand up on just its two back legs. Perhaps the dinosaur did this to eat from the top of very tall trees.


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA
  1. A) was B) is C) has been
  2. A) ago B) now C) before
  3. A) in B) on C) at
  4. A) a B) the C) -
  5. A) went B) were going C) have gone
  6. A) with B) by C) through
  7. A) that B) which C) what
  8. A) so B) but C) or
  9. A) may B) can't C) mustn't
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