Помогите решить задание из рабочей тетради..
1. ... are from Moscow.
а) The Belovs b)Belovs c)The Belovs'
2.My dog ... like jam.
a)isn't b)doesn't c)don't
3. ... came home at 3 o'clock?
a)Why b)When c)Who
4.Tom is older ... Mike.
a)Then b)Than c)-
5.Pamela is ... pupil in our class.
a)good b)better c)the best
6.He is going ... the kitchen.
a)clean b)cleans c)to clean
7.Who ... Mrs Smith on Sunday?
a)does visit b)visit c)visits
8.-Who likes to wear jeans?
-The boys ... .
a)do b)does c)like
9.Is he in ... tenth form?
a)a b)the c)-
10.Once there lived ... old man.
a)a b)an c)the


Ответ дал: nunny
1. ... are from Moscow. а) The Belovs
2. My dog ... like jam. b)doesn't
3. ... came home at 3 o'clock? c)Who
4. Tom is older ... Mike. b)Than
5. Pamela is ... pupil in our class. c)the best
6. He is going ... the kitchen. c)to clean
7. Who ... Mrs Smith on Sunday? c)visits
8. - Who likes to wear jeans?
-The boys ... . a)do
9. Is he in ... tenth form? b)the
10. Once there lived ... old man. b)an

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