2. Complete the sentences with with, for or until. Bставте с.лова with, for, until та запишіть вправу. 1 I'm staying in Manchester... Monday. 2 Anna is here... three more days. 3 My dad is... my mum at the cinema. 10 o'clock. 4 The movie doesn't start 5 I love speaking English... my friends. 6 Fran plays computer games ... hours and hours. 7 My mother doesn't finish work... 6.00 every day. 8 Mike studies more than eight hours... every Saturday. 3. Choose the correct answer, A or В. Вибереть правильну вİдиовİдь вставте в речення. 1 We're to Rome for the weekend. A flying B catching 2 We're staying on the fifth floor of a... with a view of the sea. A hotel B tent 3 We can A come B drive from Madrid to Toledo in an hour. 4 I really want to ... Lisbon soon. A travel B visit 5 Where are you... tonight? A leaving B staying 6 You can... a bus from the High Street and it will take you to the airport. A catch B drive 7 When are you...? A leaving B getting 8 My brother wants to around Asia this summer. A travel B visit 4. Complete the email with for, with or until. Bставте с.лова with, for, until та запишіть вправу. Hi Aunt Jules! I'm on holiday in Cornwall... ten days... my friends from school. What a beautiful place! We're staying in St. Ives. Today we want to visit Tintagel Castle. We're having a great time and we don't go home ... Saturday! I'm sleeping in a tent ... Veronica and Holly. I'm very tired because we talk... hours every night. We don't go to sleep... 11 o'clock! Love Natasha 5. Read the email again. Answer the questions. Дaiте вiдиовiдi на запитання до листа писbMOBO. 1 Where is Natasha? I'm on holiday in Cornwall. 2 Who is she with? 3 Where is she staying? 4 What does she want to visit today? 5 Where is she sleeping? 6 Why is she tired?​

ThisIsPE4KA: текст письма не предоставлен


Ответ дал: Аноним
1. I'm staying in Manchester until Monday.
2. Anna is here for three more days.
3. My dad is with my mum at the cinema until 10 o'clock.
4. The movie doesn't start until 5.
5. I love speaking English with my friends.
6. Fran plays computer games for hours and hours.
7. My mother doesn't finish work until 6.00 every day.
8. Mike studies more than eight hours for every Saturday.

1. A - We're flying to Rome for the weekend.
2. A - We're staying on the fifth floor of a hotel with a view of the sea.
3. B - We can drive from Madrid to Toledo in an hour.
4. B - I really want to visit Lisbon soon.
5. A - Where are you leaving tonight?
6. A - You can catch a bus from the High Street and it will take you to the airport.
7. A - When are you leaving?
8. A - My brother wants to travel around Asia this summer.

Hi Aunt Jules! I'm on holiday in Cornwall with my friends from school for ten days. What a beautiful place! We're staying in St. Ives. Today we want to visit Tintagel Castle. We're having a great time and we don't go home until Saturday! I'm sleeping in a tent with Veronica and Holly. I'm very tired because we talk for hours every night. We don't go to sleep until 11 o'clock! Love Natasha

1. Natasha is on holiday in Cornwall.
2. She is with her friends from school.
3. She is staying in St. Ives.
4. She wants to visit Tintagel Castle today.
5. She is sleeping in a tent with Veronica and Holly.
6. She is tired because they talk for hours every night.

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