1 A best friend should / doesn't have to always be honest and tell the truth.
2 John doesn't have to / mustn't do any homework tonight. He did it all last night.
3 You don't have to / mustn't talk in the library. You have to / shouldn't study quietly. 4 I have to / don't have to phone Jack. I talked to him at school today.
5 You have to/ don't have to keep Monica's secret. She would be unhappy if you told anyone.​


Ответ дал: cs2cwf6s8b
A best friend should always be honest and tell the truth.
John doesn't have to do any homework tonight. He did it all last night.
You don't have to talk in the library. You have to study quietly.
I don't have to phone Jack. I talked to him at school today.
You have to keep Monica's secret. She would be unhappy if you told anyone.

ermacovairina536: Super
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