Why do people 1) learn English 2) go to work 3) read newspapers 4) watch television 5) listen to musie 6) study at university. помогите пожалуйста даю вам 100​


Ответ дал: Аноним
1) People learn English because it is an international language used for communication, education, and business purposes.
2) People go to work to earn money and support themselves and their families financially.
3) People read newspapers to stay informed about current events, local and global news, politics, and other topics of interest.
4) People watch television to be entertained, to learn new things, to stay informed about news and events, and to relax after a long day.
5) People listen to music for various reasons, such as to relax, to improve their mood, to feel emotions, to be entertained, and to appreciate the art form.
6) People study at university to gain knowledge, skills, and qualifications that will help them pursue their desired careers and achieve their personal and professional goals.
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