допоможіть будь ласка англіська 8 клас ​



Ответ дал: anastassuperhero

1 If I hadn't lost my wallet, I would have arrived at the opera on time.
2 Sally wouldn't have been so upset if she had passed the driving test.
3 If Mary had been hungry, she would have had something to eat.
4 My parents wouldn't have bought the house if they hadn't had the money.
5 Peter would have forgotten her mother's birthday if I hadn't reminded him.
6 I would have phoned you if I had had your telephone number.
7 Tim would have got a taxi if he hadn't forgotten his wallet at home.
8 If the weather had been nicer, we would have gone to the beach.
9 I would have sold my golden ring if I hadn't given it to my niece.
10 If Lisa hadn't been so tired, she would have gone to the concert last night.
11 I would have won the contest if I had known all the answers.
12 You would have seen that wonderful film if you had come to the cinema with us.
13 If he had had more free time, he would have done his homework yesterday.
14 If Mary hadn't missed the train, she would have seen Tom. Now he's gone.
15 My sister would have been happier if she had married her first love.
16 If Tony had saved some money, he would have travelled to Paris last summer.
17 You would have learned Chinese if you had stayed longer in China.
18 If I had seen my aunt, I would have told her the news.

anastassuperhero: очень много писать надо было, кстати я семиклассник :D
kristinaandr238: дякуую
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