скласти 6 речень в кожному з майбутніх часів із дієсловами: apply; convert; damage; enable; force; get in touch.​


Ответ дал: anastassuperhero

Future simple
I will apply my skills to help people next year.
I will convert apples into juice later.
I will damage enemies' base next week.
I will enable night vision later.
I will force my friend to help me next week.
I will get in touch with my parent tomorrow.

Future perfect
Tomorrow I will have been applying my skills to help people!
Later I will have been making my apple juice for 10 minutes!
Tomorrow I will have been damaging enemies' base for 1 week!
Later I will have been enabling my night vision for few seconds!
Next week I will have been forcing my friend to help me for 1 month!
Tomorrow I will have been getting in touch with my parents for few minutes!

linapups: Дякую!!
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