5. Fill in the gaps using the adverbs in the box.
already. never (x2). always. yet. ever. since. for.
1. She is a cold, unfeeling woman. She has ______ shown any emotions.
2. _____ she was 5, she has dreamt of being a doctor.
3. Edil doesn't want to watch this film as he has _____ seen it.
4. They haven't seen each other _____ two months.
5. My brother hasn't eaten his lunch ______ .
6. I've _____ been very shy. And you?
7. Have you _____ seen a ballet?
8. I've _____ liked rock music. I think it's too aggressive.​


Ответ дал: mamed86
1. She has never
2. Since she was 5
3. already seen it
4. for two months
5: his lunch yet
6. I’ve always been
7. Have you ever seen
8. I’ve never liked
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