Ответьте на вопросы ( принимаются только правильные и хорошие ответы!)
Work in pairs and answer the questions.
1 Are teenagers interested in the life around them?
2 How can teenagers demonstrate their activity in everyday life?
6 Talk to fashior he/she group; this or him/h fully.
3 How strongly are teenagers influenced by the
opinions of other people (friends, parents, teachers, youth culture trends)? They are very
4 Should young people always accept the ideas of older people?
5 From what age can young people participate actively in the social life of their school/city/ region/country?


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. It depends on the individual teenager, but many teenagers are interested in the life around them and may engage in activities such as volunteering or participating in social causes.

2. Teenagers can demonstrate their activity in everyday life by participating in school clubs, volunteering in their community, advocating for causes they care about, and staying informed about current events.

3. Teenagers can be strongly influenced by the opinions of other people, especially their peers, but also by parents, teachers, and trends in youth culture.

4. Young people should not always accept the ideas of older people without questioning or evaluating them critically. It is important for young people to form their own opinions and perspectives based on their own experiences and understanding.

5. Young people can participate actively in the social life of their school and community from a very young age, through clubs, volunteering, and other activities. As they get older, they may have more opportunities to participate in regional or national programs and events.

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