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Passive VOICE Test Choose the correct item

20. Paper ___ from wood pulp.
A made B is made C makes D will be made
21. The message ____ on my desk in the office two days ago.
A had been left B was left C would be left D is left
22. Dinner here ____ after seven.
A was served B is served C has been served D serves
23. His wallet, his passport, and his credit card _____ yesterday.
A were stolen B stolen C are stolen D had been stolen
24. A new road _____ now.
A is built B is being built C was built D is building
25. So far, ten employees ____ by the new director.
A are fired B fired C have been fired D were fired
26. When I saw Mr Whites he ____ by the customs officer.
A was examined B has been examined
C had been examined D was being examined
27. The new program _____ for errors at three o'clock yesterday.
A was being tested B is tested
C has tested D would be tested
28. Dear clients! By this time tomorrow your telephone connection ____ completely.
A will be restored B will restore
C has been restored D will have been restored
29. He ____ to be the richest man in the country.
A is believed B believes C was believed D believed
30. The construction of the new school _____ next year.
A would be completed B will be completed
C is completed D has been completed
31. It _____ that he bought several expensive houses.
A reports B had been reported C has reported D was reported
32. The award ____ to the best math student.
A will be given B would be given C will give D has given
33. The results of the mathematical contest ______ tomorrow.
A would be announced B were announced
C will be announced D have been announced
34. Experts say that by 2050 the cure for cancer ______.
A was found B will find C will be found D will have been found
35. It ______ that the President may postpone his visit.
A is said B says C was said D had been said
36. He ____ to be the best teacher.
A considers B is considered C considered D has considered


Ответ дал: Torgovets

20. B is made

21. B was left

22. B is served

23. A were stolen

24. B is being built

25. C have been fired

26. D was being examined

27. A was being tested

28. A will be restored

29. A is believed

30. B will be completed

31. D was reported

32. A will be given

33. C will be announced

34. C will be found

35. A is said

36. B is considered

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