7 Write questions and answers. 1 amusement park/ there are scary rides Is this the amusement park where there are scary rides? 2 friend/ good at street dancing 3 costume/you wore in the play 4 restaurant / Tim had lunch 5 teacher/teaches you English ✓Yes, it is.​


Ответ дал: nadkanch
1)Is this the amusement park where there are scary rides?
Yes, it is.
2)Who is good at street dancing?
My friend is good at street dancing.
3)What costume did you wear in the play?
I wore a pirate costume in the play.
4)Where did Tim have lunch?
Tim had lunch at the restaurant.
5)Who teaches you English?
My teacher teaches me English.
Ответ дал: mmandryka12
2.Is your friend good at street dancing? - Yes, she's a great street dancer.
3.What was the costume you wore in the play? - I wore a blue dress with a tiara and white gloves.
4. Which restaurant did Tim have lunch at? - He had lunch at a new Italian restaurant downtown.
5. Who teaches you English? - Ms. Johnson teaches me English.
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