Skills: Reading 11 Read Tara's email. Then number the pictures. Hello Lucy. We're on vacation in the United States. We're staying with my cousins, Lily and John. They're the cousins who live in Florida. I'm having a great time. You can see the photographs that we took at Super Fun Park in this email. Super Fun Park is the place where we had a party for my birthday last Saturday. We had a great time. The rides were scary. but they were fun. My favorite ride was the roller coaster. We had hot dogs, hamburgers, and a big chocolate birthday cake for lunch. Then we went to the water park. It was a hot day, but the water was cold! John and I went down the water slide ten times! John can swim, but Lily can't, so we didn't stay there for a long time. That night, there was a parade with musicians and dancers and then amazing fireworks. I fell asleep in the car on the way home. I was tired, but I was happy. It was the best birthday ever! See you next week. Love, Tara​ помоги пжпжпж


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1. Tara's cousins, Lily and John

2. Photographs taken at Super Fun Park

3. Roller coaster ride

4. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and chocolate birthday cake

5. Water park

6. Water slide

7. Parade with musicians and dancers

8. Fireworks


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