СРОЧНО !!!! ДАЮ 25 БАЛІВ !!!

2 Responding to situations For each situation (1-4), choose the appropriate responses. Circle A, B or C 1 Your friend has invited you to a lecture and you want to go. How do you respond? A Perhaps I'll come! B I certainly will come! C I think I'll come! 2 Your teacher asks if you are going to the science fair but you don't think you can go. How do you respond? A It's late, B I'm going. C I don't think so. 8 You want to know how your friend's new smartphone works. What do you ask? A Why did you get a smartphone? B How do you use your smartphone? C What do you think of my new smartphone? 4 Your friend tells you she is going to the theatre tonight. How do you respond? A Definitely! B I don't think so. C That's nice.​



Ответ дал: juulronan

Ответ:    снизууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууууу


B I certainly will come!

C I don't think so.

B How do you use your smartphone?

C That's nice.

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