Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive or Present Perfect Passive. 1) This territory was inhabited ........ (to inhabit in the 12" century. 2) The Falkland Islands (to wash) by the Atlantic Ocean. 3) The design of this car ...... (already/to develop) by our specialists. 4) The Internet ....... (to use) by thousands of people every day. 5) This problem ...... (just/to speak) about. 6) This museum ........ (often/to visit) by tourists from other countries. 7) This lake ......... (to discover by our scientists last year.



Ответ дал: sonealya


  • 2) are washed
  • 3) has already been developed
  • 4) is used
  • 5) has just been spoken
  • 6) is often visited
  • 7) was discovered


Нужно вставить глаголы в форме Present Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive либо Present Perfect Passive.

Пункт 2.

The Falkland Islands are washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Перевод:
  • Фолклендские острова омываются Атлантическим океаном.
  • Комментарий:
  • Природное постоянное явление, факт => используем Present Simple.

Пункт 3.

The design of this car has already been developed by our specialists.

  • Перевод:
  • Дизайн этого автомобиля уже разработан нашими специалистами.
  • Комментарий:
  • Сигнал already указывает на Present Perfect.

Пункт 4.

The Internet is used by thousands of people every day.

  • Перевод:
  • Интернет используется тысячами людей ежедневно.
  • Комментарий:
  • Статистика, т.е. констатация факта; сигнал every day => Present Simple.

Пункт 5.

This problem has just been spoken about.

  • Перевод:
  • Эта проблема только что обсуждалась.
  • Комментарий:
  • Сигнал just указывает на Present Perfect.

Пункт 6.

This museum is often visited by tourists from other countries.

  • Перевод:
  • Этот музей часто посещают туристы из других стран.
  • Комментарий:
  • Сигнал often указывает на Present Simple.

Пункт 7.

This lake was discovered by our scientists last year.

  • Перевод:
  • Это озеро было открыто нашими учеными в прошлом году.
  • Комментарий:
  • Сигнал last year указывает на Past Simple.

Формулы времен:

Present Simple Passive:

  • am
  • is    + V3
  • are

*am = I

is = he, she, it

are = you, we, they

V3 = третья форма глагола

Past Simple Passive:

  • was / were + V3

*was = I, he, she, it

were = you, we, they

Present Perfect Passive:

  • have / has + been + V3

*have = I, you, we, they

has = he, she, it


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