A, an, the or no article?
1. Look at ... moon. Isn't it beautiful?
2. My sister is .... architect. She lives in …Japan.
3. Will someone answer ... telephone?
4. He's been playing ... basketball since he was a child.
5. Let's have ... lunch. I'm starving.
6. This is first time that I've been to …United Kingdom.
7. My birthday party is on … Saturday. Bring … friend if you like.
8. Could you close ... door, please?
9. This is .... best book l've ever read.
10. We usually go to ... work on … foot.
11. Sally had .... accident while skiing in
… Alps. She crashed into ... tree and broke both legs.
12. All I want to do now is go ........ home and have ......... nice hot bath.


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. the

2. an, Japan (или без артикля, если «Япония» подразумевается как общее место)

3. the

4. без артикля

5. lunch

6. the

7. Saturday, a

8. the

9. the

10. без артикля, foot

11. an, the, a

12. home, a

Ответ дал: Пеппер

1. Look at the moon. Isn't it beautiful?

2. My sister is an architect. She lives in Japan.

3. Will someone answer the telephone?

4. He`s been playing basketball since he was a child.

5. Let's have lunch. I'm starving.

6. This is  first time that I've been to the United Kingdom.

7. My birthday party is on Saturday. Bring a friend if you  like.

8. Could you  close the door, please?

9. This is the best book I`ve ever read.

10. We usually go to  work on  foot.

11. Sally had an accident while skiing in  Alps. She crashed into a tree and broke both legs.

12. All I want to do now is  go home and have a nice hot bath.

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