1. They will go to the Hermitage this week.

2. They are at the Hermitage at the moment.

3. Every day he comes home, has dinner, reads an article from the latest magazine and does his homework.

4. When did your friend return from the south? She is returning tomorrow. Are you going to the station to meet her? No, I am too busy.

5. With whom are you discussing this question now?

6. I saw this film last week. I liked it very much.

7. When I entered the kitchen, I saw that my mother was standing at the table and cutting some cabbage. She was cooking dinner.

8. As soon as I saw him, I understood that he was working hard. He was writing something and not noticing anything.

9. As soon as I heard a cry, I ran out of the room and saw that a child was lying on the ground and crying. "What happened? Why are you crying? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked.

10. When the young man entered the room, she looked at him in surprise. "What do you want to tell me?" she said, "Why did you come?"

11. When I came home yesterday, the children were running and singing merrily, "We learned a new song!" they cried.

12. It was raining hard when I left home yesterday, so I returned, put on my raincoat and started again.

13. Is your brother returning from the north? Yes, he is coming a few days later.

14. Have you been to the Crimea? When were you there? - I was there in 2030.

15. Where is your brother? - He just came home. He is taking a shower in the bathroom now.

ThisIsPE4KA: что нужно сделать?
russhin8: Open the brackets using the verbs in Future Simple, Present Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous (additional exercise):


Ответ дал: ThisIsPE4KA

1. They will go to the Hermitage this week.

2. They are at the Hermitage at the moment.

3. Every day he comes home, has dinner, reads an article from the latest magazine and does his homework.

4. When did your friend return from the south? She is returning tomorrow. Are you going to the station to meet her? No, I am too busy.

5. With whom are you discussing this question now?

6. I saw this film last week. I liked it very much.

7. When I entered the kitchen, I saw that my mother was standing at the table and cutting some cabbage. She was cooking dinner.

8. As soon as I saw him, I understood that he was working hard. He was writing something and not noticing anything.

9. As soon as I heard a cry, I ran out of the room and saw that a child was lying on the ground and crying. "What happened? Why are you crying? Did you hurt yourself?" I asked.

10. When the young man enters the room, she will look at him in surprise. "What do you want to tell me?" she will say, "Why did you come?"

11. When I came home yesterday, the children were running and singing merrily, "We learned a new song!" they cried.

12. It was raining hard when I left home yesterday, so I returned, put on my raincoat and started again.

13. Is your brother returning from the north? Yes, he is coming in a few days.

14. Have you been to the Crimea? When were you there? - I have not been there yet.

15. Where is your brother? - He just came home. He is taking a shower in the bathroom now.

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