Англійська мова 8 клас , потрібно до завтра даю 70 балів!!!​



Ответ дал: wokkywilly


exercise 1.

1. weather forecast.

2. who wants to be a millionare?

3. documentary.

4. news.

5. soap drama.

6. the voice of country.

7. series.

exercise 2.

1.  b. ever.

2. a. never.

3.  b. before.

4.  c. always.

5.  a. just.

6. c. so far.

7.  b. once.

8.  a. twice.

exercise 3.

1. A:: that`s good film but i have watched it before.

   B:: it looks like robby and jullie haven`t left the house.

2. B:: that guy has won €600,000 so far.

   B:: he has answered all the questions correctly.


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