Cabinet, departments, Lords, government, Queen, of Parliament Bill, elected, Commons, courts, the Prime Minister.
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The government is divided into 3 sections:

The Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. This provides for a separation of powers.
The Executive branch is made up of ……… and their……... It is their job to lead the and propose new legislation or laws. Before a law is passed in parliament it is called a…….
The next part of government is the Legislature. This is made of two houses ……….: the House of……… and the House of ……... Here they discuss, debate, amend and accept or reject the new legislation suggested by the executive.
The House of Commons is made of members of Parliament who are ………. by people. It is their job to decide what legislation gets passed.
The House of Lords is made of peers who are appointed for life by the King or……. on advice from the prime Minister. The third part of government is the Judiciary. It is comprised of the system of ……… that implement the laws that are passed down by the Parliament.
The government is divided into 25 different ………... Each one is headed by the Minister from the prime Minister’s Cabinet.


Ответ дал: linanaska0

The government is divided into 3 sections: The Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. This provides for a separation of powers.

The Executive branch is made up of the Prime Minister and their Cabinet. It is their job to lead the government and propose new legislation or laws. Before a law is passed in parliament it is called a Bill.

The next part of government is the Legislature. This is made of two houses of Parliament: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Here they discuss, debate, amend and accept or reject the new legislation suggested by the executive.

The House of Commons is made of members of Parliament who are elected by people. It is their job to decide what legislation gets passed.

The House of Lords is made of peers who are appointed for life by the Queen or government on advice from the Prime Minister.

The third part of government is the Judiciary. It is comprised of the system of courts that implement the laws that are passed down by the Parliament.

The government is divided into 25 different departments. Each one is headed by the Minister from the Prime Minister’s Cabinet.

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