Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous to complete the sentences. Write the tense form only, do not copy the whole sentence.
My mother ……………………. (cook) a wonderful meal last night.
I ……………………. (not/be) scared of the lightning but my brother was terrified.
What ……………………. (you/do) when the storm ……………………. (start)?
Karen ……………………. (sit) in front of the TV when the power ………………. (go) off.
I ……………………. (watch) a documentary about severe weather at 9 pm last night.
We ……………………. (not/go) out at the weekend because it was freezing cold.
It ……………………. (not/snow) when we left but everything was white when we came home.
The children ……………………. (do) their homework while it ……………………. (rain) outside.
It was a beautiful summer morning. The sun ……………………. (shine) and the birds ……………………. (sing).
Fiona ……………………. (put) on her scarf and gloves and ……………………. (go) out to play in the snow.


Ответ дал: savaseregin

My mother cooked a wonderful meal last night.

I wasn't scared of the lightning but my brother was terrified.

What were you doing when the storm started?

Karen was sitting in front of the TV when the power went off.

I watched a documentary about severe weather at 9 pm last night.

We didn't go out at the weekend because it was freezing cold.

It didn't snow when we left but everything was white when we came home.

The children were doing their homework while it was raining outside.

It was a beautiful summer morning. The sun was shining and the birds were singing.

Fiona put on her scarf and gloves and went out to play in the snow.

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