1 When will the school year be over? 2 What form will you be in the next year? 3 Have you learnt a lot this year? 4 What English books and stories have you read? 5 What have you learnt to do in English? 6 Did you start planning your summer holidays now? 7 Will you go to the village, camp, the seaside or another city? 8 When will you go there? 9 What will you do there? 10 Would you like to travel in summer? 11 What places would you like to visit? 12 Does your class have a picnic (a party, an excursion) each year before summer? Where are you going to go this year? НАДО ОТВЕТИТЬ НА ВОПРОСЫ В ПОДХОДЯЩЕМ ВРЕМЕНИ (иногда это будущее время)(писать не большие но полные вопросы)​


Ответ дал: savaseregin

1. When will the school year be over?

The school year will be over in a few weeks, on June 15th.

2. What form will you be in the next year?

I will be in 10th form next year.

3. Have you learned a lot this year?

Yes, I have learned a lot this year. We covered a wide range of subjects including math, science, history, and English.

4. What English books and stories have you read?

We have read many English books and stories this year. Some of the books we have read include "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, and "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

5. What have you learned to do in English?

I have learned a lot in English this year. I have improved my reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. We have also learned about English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

6. Did you start planning your summer holidays now?

Yes, I have started planning my summer holidays.

7. Will you go to the village, camp, the seaside, or another city?

I will go to the seaside this summer.

8. When will you go there?

I will go to the seaside in the first week of July.

9. What will you do there?

I will relax on the beach, swim in the sea, and also visit some of the local attractions like museums and historical sites.

10. Would you like to travel in summer?

Yes, I would like to travel this summer.

11. What places would you like to visit?

I would like to visit Paris, London, and Rome.

12. Does your class have a picnic (a party, an excursion) each year before summer? Where are you going to go this year?

Yes, our class has a picnic each year before summer. This year, we are planning to go to a local park for a picnic and games.

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