I. Write the correct question
1. When begins the race? → __________________________ ?
2. Sell you fish? → __________________________?
3. Who does the trumpet play? → __________________________?
4. Where flew the plane? → __________________________?
5. Do you have got a brother? → __________________________?
6. Plays Mike volleyball? → __________________________?
7. Can the man the car drive? → __________________________?
8. Why wrote you this letter? → __________________________?
9. Do you can remember her name? → __________________________?
10. Think you not that it's time to go? →__________________________?


Ответ дал: savaseregin

1. When does the race begin?

2. Do you sell fish?

3. Who plays the trumpet?

4. Where did the plane fly?

5. Do you have a brother?

6. Does Mike play volleyball?

7. Can the man drive the car?

8. Why did you write this letter?

9. Can you remember her name?

10. Don't you think it's time to go?

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