Example: 0. He bought her a ring. It is beautiful. — The ring which he bought is beautiful.

We saw a boy. He was jogging in the park.
Steve ate soup. It was cooked by his elder sister.
Kelly turned in her test paper. It was done at the last minute.
A new road is being built. It leads to the airport.
Tom and John are talking about a new fountain. It is located in the park.
Helen found her earring. It was lost three weeks ago.


Ответ дал: savaseregin

We saw a boy who was jogging in the park.

Steve ate soup that was cooked by his elder sister.

Kelly turned in her test paper which was done at the last minute.

A new road is being built which leads to the airport.

Tom and John are talking about a new fountain located in the park.

Helen found her earring which was lost three weeks ago.

Ответ дал: akutagawasfootlicker


1. The boy that we saw was jogging in the park.

2. The soup which Steve ate was cooked by his elder sister.

3. The test paper which Kelly turned in was done at the last minute.

4. The new road that is being built leads to the airport.

5. The new fountain which Tom and John are talking about is located in the park.

6. The earring which Helen found was lost weeks ago.

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