B. Read the letter and complete the blanks with one word. Dear Jill, We're having a wonderful time at summer camp! It's too bad you didn't come with (1) It's lots of fun (2) really liked it. Yesterday, James and Natalie went white-water rafting. (3) I went hang-gliding. (4) (5) was a great thrill! Alice came with me but didn't try it. She was terrified! Tomorrow, we're going scuba-diving in the lake. There's an underwater cave in the lake and we're going to explore it. I've never done (6) before! It sounds scary, but our group leader has been (7) before and he says it's beautiful! We'r. That's all for now! Everyone is outside and I have to go and help (8) making a fire for tonight. At ten o'clock, we're all going to sit around the fire and tell scary stories. Our group leader, John, is very experienced at (9) According to (10) there's nothing better than a good scary story! Take care, Karen​


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1. you

2. and

3. While/But

4. It

5. It/That

6. that

7. there

8. them

9. that

10. John


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